Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE)
Accreditation Information
- Section IV of the Idaho Bar Commission Rules governs the MCLE accreditation and reporting requirements.
- An organization or Idaho attorney may apply for accreditation of a CLE activity. To apply for credit, submit the appropriate application for MCLE credit along with a complete course schedule. The course schedule must include the topics covered and must have a full time breakdown for the course. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing.
Course Credit Application
Teaching Credit Application
Published Legal Writing Credit Application
- The application fee is $40. Non-profit course providers who apply for accreditation of live CLE activities that are two (2) hours or less in length and held in Idaho shall pay a reduced application fee of $20. No application fee is required for applications submitted by the Idaho Supreme Court, the Bar and its sections or district bar associations, the Idaho Law Foundation, Inc., or individual members of the Idaho State Bar. Application fees cannot be paid by credit card.
- The $15 late fee is required for all applications received more than ninety (90) days after a course was completed. For attorneys, the ninety (90) days is based on the date the live or recorded course was completed. For course providers, the (90) days is based on the date the live course was completed or the date the recording was made.
- While we prefer our own application forms, the Oracle Form 1: Uniform Application for Accreditation of Continuing Legal Education Activity may be used as long as all of the information requested on our application forms is included.
- Idaho uses a 60 minute hour and credits are rounded to the nearest quarter hour.
- No credit will be given for time spent in introductory remarks, coffee and food breaks, business meetings, or other activities that do not involve educational aspects of the CLE activity; courses attended in preparation for, or prior to, admission to the practice of law; courses included in the curriculum of a college or university undergraduate degree program; or courses on marketing, client cultivation, general time management or stress reduction, computer training that is not specific to attorneys, general business topics, or vendor-sponsored activities designed solely to promote products or services.
- Ethics credits may be granted for the following topics: Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct, professionalism and civility, client trust account administration and legal malpractice prevention. The specific ethics topics and times must be clearly indicated on the course schedule to receive approval. If the ethics topics and times are not clearly delineated, ethics credits will not be granted.
- Accreditation in another state does not mean that a course will be automatically accredited in Idaho. Application for Idaho MCLE accreditation must be made.
- Accreditation will be good for the calendar year in which it was given. A new application does not have to be submitted if the course is held again within the same calendar year and if it is exactly the same (same topics, same times and same speakers). Written notification of the new courses dates should be submitted as soon as they are scheduled. If a course is held again in the following calendar year, it must be applied for again.
- Recorded courses (on disk, online or downloaded) may qualify for Idaho MCLE credit. Use the Course Credit Application Form
and include a description of the legal education topics and the length of the recording in minutes. The number of credits approved in another state does not suffice as the recording length. A schedule from the original live presentation is acceptable as long is it is accompanied by a statement from the course provider that the tape is an exact copy of the original course with no editing or changing. Text based computer courses do not qualify for Idaho MCLE credit.
- Idaho State Bar members who teach other attorneys at ISB approved courses may apply for teaching credit after the course is held. To apply for credit, submit an Application for Teaching Credit
along with a complete course schedule. The course schedule must include the topics covered, a full time breakdown for the course and must show what portions the attorney taught. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing.
- Published legal writing authored by attorneys may qualify for CLE credit if the writing contributes to the attorney’s legal education;
is intended for an attorney audience; and is an original writing that is published, in print or electronically, in a professional legal journal or publication. To apply for credit, submit an Application for Published Legal Writing Creditalong with a copy of the writing. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing.
- Course providers who apply for accreditation are required to provide a list of the Idaho attorneys who attended their courses. The list must include the attorneys' printed name, Idaho State Bar number and the total number of general credits and, if applicable, ethics credits earned by each participant. We ask all course providers to use the Attendance List Excel Spreadsheet and email a copy of the spreadsheet to our office. However we will accept attendance lists that include the required information.
- Attorneys may submit certificates of attendance or completion if an attendance list has not been received from the course provider. If no attendance list or certificate of attendance is available, attorneys may submit a Self-Verification of Attendance Form