MCLE Attendance Records Information and Assistance
The Idaho State Bar (ISB) Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Attendance records include the ISB approved courses attended during your MCLE reporting period according to the records of the Idaho State Bar. Every active and house counsel member of the Idaho State Bar is required to certify that he/she has obtained at least thirty (30) Idaho approved MCLE credits including at least three (3) credits of ethics/professional responsibility during his/her MCLE reporting period. Each attorney is allowed to use a maximum of fifteen (15) credits of self study during each reporting period.
The attendance records are provided on an informational basis only. They are not verification of MCLE credits earned and should not be considered certification of attendance. It is your responsibility to track your own MCLE credits and to certify that you have met the MCLE requirements at the end of your reporting period.
An MCLE certificate of compliance will be included in your annual licensing packet at the end of your reporting period. The courses listed in the ISB records will be pre-printed on the certificate of compliance. Corrections and additions should be made to the certificate before being returned to the ISB with the rest of your licensing.
Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
Incorrect Courses Listed: If a course you did not attend appears on your attendance report, please inform the MCLE Department at (208) 334-4500.
Courses Attended Not on Report: It normally takes course providers about a month to submit their attendance lists. Do not expect to see a course on your attendance list for at least four weeks after the course was held. If a course you attended does not appear on your attendance report, first verify that the course has been approved for credit by the ISB by using the Search Approved Courses page. If it has not been approved, you must apply for and receive credit before the course can be used to meet your MCLE requirement. Information on applying for accreditation.
Idaho approved courses do not have to be preprinted on the report for you to use them to meet your MCLE requirement. The ISB attendance records are based on the attendance information received from the course providers. Any ISB approved courses you have attended can be added to your certificate of compliance before you submit it at the end of your reporting period. Simply write in the additional courses before signing the certificate.
Number of Credits Listed Incorrect: If you think the number of credits listed for you is incorrect, double check your records and contact the ISB MCLE Department.
Number of Ethics Credits does not Appear:
- A zero in the ethics column means the course was not approved for ethics credits in Idaho and you cannot claim ethics credits for it or the attendance records received from the course provider indicated you did not complete the ethics portion(s) of the course.
- A blank in the ethics column is because ethics credits were approved, but we did not recieve verification that you completed the ethics portion(s) of the course. If you received ethics credits for the course, submit verification of your ethics attendance from the sponsor to the MCLE Department or simply keep the information in your records and write the appropriate number in the blank spot on your certificate of compliance at the end of your reporting period.
Teaching Credit: If you taught at an ISB approved course, you may be eligible for additional MCLE credits. To receive teaching credit, you need to submit a Teaching Credit Application along with a complete course schedule showing the portion(s) you taught.
Self Study Credit: You may earn to 15 credits through self study during your reporting period. NOTE: If you received MCLE credit for a live or online or recorded course, you cannot also receive credit for a disk or other recording based on the same course. Self study credits can be earned through online courses, DVDs, CDs and other recorded formats.. Self study courses should be pre-approved for MCLE credit. The Idaho State Bar and Idaho Law Foundation have pre-approved Online CLE Courses. Please contact Lindsey Welfley at (208) 334-4500 for more information.
Published Legal Writing Credit: Published legal writing authored by attorneys may qualify for CLE credit if the writing contributes to the attorney’s legal education;
is intended for an attorney audience; and is an original writing that is published, in print or electronically, in a professional legal journal or publication. The published writing must be at least 1,000 words and one credit may be granted per 1,000 words. A maximum of 6 writing credits can be used per reporting period. Please see ICRC 404(c) for the full requirements. More information on Published Legal Writing Credit.
Licensed in Other States: Attorneys whose principal office for the practice of law is not in Idaho may comply with the CLE reporting rules by filing a compliance report, on a form prescribed by the Board, certifying that: (1) the attorney is subject to the mandatory CLE credit requirements in the jurisdiction where his or her principal office for the practice of law is located; (2) the attorney complied with that jurisdiction’s mandatory CLE requirements within the past three (3) years by submission and approval of the required credits; and (3) the attorney is currently in compliance with the mandatory CLE credit requirements in that jurisdiction. Please see IBCR 408 for the full qualifications, certification requirements and exemptions. More information on out of state MCLE compliance.
Carryover Credit: You may not carryover credit from one reporting period to another.
MCLE Forms:
Course Credit Application
Teaching Credit Application
Published Legal Writing Credit Application
Self-Verification of Attendance Form
Suggested Attendance List Excel Spreadsheet (for use by course providers)
Contact Information: If you have any questions, please contact Annette Strauser or Kim Wilson in the MCLE Department at (208) 334-4500.